I like school, I always have. Quite possibly because my mom was also my gym teacher in elementary school. It was a time where that was kind of cool. I was always picked first because my team usually won and I had my own personal change room. After this I guess I just continued to associate school with fun, crecomm is no different. So for all you people out there not having a good time here are some pointers for making school cooler than an ice-cream i-pod.
Tip 1- Early bird gets the learn
Fashionably late is so last semester, this year's hottest trend is early arrival. This way you get a chance to sit in your favorite seat or sabotage the seat of an enemy whom you'd rather passively attack than upright confront. You are also able to eat unusual breakfast food without anyone judging you, i recommend popcorn sandwiches and rain water.
Tip 2- Participate while partying
Silence only works in libraries and family dinners. If your anything like me then you really appreciate a room full of people forced to listen to you. Sometimes I just answer questions just to talk about myself, not even attempting to answer.
Tip 3- Hooking up with books
School is a great excuse to fraternize with the opposite sex. So whenever you enter a new class, sit near but not next to the object of your desire. Watch them from a far for weeks taking note of their interests and behaviors. Then using the information to seduce them into trusting you. Then you can use assignments and tests as excuses to hang out, this way you get to cheat off of them and hopefully see them naked as well. After this tell the whole class what happened in the hopes the person will drop out.
Tip 4- Home works!
Homework is the best, my favorite is when everyone knows I'm doing it. I like to go to public places and just look really stressed out surrounded by a bunch of books when all I'm doing is fighting with kids on a chat room over Batman and Robin's relationship. You never want to actually be important but God damn it you better look the part, how else will the teachers know who to invite to the teacher student sock hop.
Tip 5- Suck less
Ultimately fun and cool mean nothing and should not dictate anything you do in life. But the harsh reality is they do and like it or not you will have to suck it up and deal with it. So next time you think about how displeased you are with school just think about all the rappers out there who wish they went.
Too funny, good work Jer!
ReplyDeletesound advice.