I love how advertisements affect people's emotions. By a graphic or detailed copy it is possible to manipulate the way the public feels. By showing happy or funny things you can make someone's day, by showing something sad or thought provoking you can change the way they think.
Now thats a lot of power for advertisers who can essentially control the way people act. Given this power, is it safe to assume that it is constantly abused. Do advertisers go too far to make an unnecessary point? Let's take a look at some examples
So this is an Australian ad which demonstrates that giving your child a hamburger is the equivalent to giving them heroin. This is pretty ridiculous and well uncalled for. While the two have somethings in common like 24 access, cures insatiable hunger and the possibility of an overdose. I was actually eating a burger while watching this and felt bad for an instant but then started thinking about maybe trying heroin. Oh hamburgers my favorite gateway drug by far.
This one is from New Zealand and it's depicts a normal dance club in which a guy goes into the bathroom to snort bits of his brain. I don't mind him snorting himself its just he used the toilet seat, gross. Come on guy if your so into coke then bring mirror or at least a Motley Crue LP.
Now this one I really just have nothing to say but point proven, advertisers abuse their awesome power by freaking people out and it's totally fine. If they want to put the money into campaigns like this then go for it, and if networks and magazines want to show and print them then great. We are such a desensitized society when it comes to advertising, sex, violence, drugs, and other imaginative yet disgusting topics. They are responsible for the ads but we are ultimately responsible to how we perceive them. So just keep and open but critical mind when viewing advertisements and suck it up. Your taking life to seriously!

Oh, my. What a post!