Wednesday, March 16, 2011

HIGH Television Series

Over the past two years I have taken my love of the entertainment industry to a whole new level. Growing up I was obsessed with celebrities, films, and television. Having been the fruits of a broken marriage I was basically raised by Hollywood. It gave me my first experience with the concept of humor, death and even sex.

So as an ode to the shows that acted as my surrogate parents, I decided to write my own screenplay. I knew I wanted it to be about sports because it was something I knew a lot about. It has been a while since I have seen something original done with hockey and I knew that the subject alone would be popular in Canada. So at what stage of hockey player would I use, the obvious choice was high school, where drama is always present. Now the challenge was creating something that was fresh, relevant, and somewhat controversial. The stereotypical teenage drama usually happens in a uber rich community where the characters have limitless funds, lavish parties, and never go to class. I wanted to stray from this, so I choose to write a show about Winnipeg's North End, a mosaic of culture with aspects of passion and danger.

So I went with the idea and wrote six 45 minute episodes. I found myself wanting to change the channel while I was writing plenty of times but overall everything worked out and the story came to a definitive close. The only thing left was to add a visual component to the project. I always had an idea of what I wanted in my head but it wasn't until I began working with Jeremie Wookey that my idea came to life. Together we hit the North End and got some great footage that really captivates my story of overcoming your surroundings and ultimately being a good person. Here is the intro video for HIGH.

High TV theme/intro from Jérémie Wookey on Vimeo.

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