Friday, February 12, 2010

Poking and Tweeting

When examining the phenomenon of web 2.0, more specifically Facebook and Twitter, you can’t help but wonder how long they will co exist and if one will take over as champion of the networking world. They are both so different yet so alike. In my opinion the main discrepancy is the different types of users each network attracts.

Facebook users are obsessed with staying connected, you can lie in bed for a week and still feel like you’re a part of the scene, you may be utterly depressed and lonely but at least you saw a video of your friend peeing his pants. These people are lazy and find convenience in having e-mail, pictures and video on the same site as opposed to separate ones. Not to mention using Facebook is f’ing easy, anyone can use it at any age.

Twitter on the other hand is a little more difficult to use, but as soon as you get the hang of it, it becomes addictive and takes over your life. You receive immediate gratification through quick responses and constant linking out. For bloggers and online marketers Twitter is extremely valuable to reach the maximum audience.

They are both becoming incredibly popular through all demographics and are destroying face to face conversations.

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